
Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot Set Wayne Rodney

Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot Set Wayne Rodney
Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot Set Wayne Rodney
Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot Set Wayne Rodney
Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot Set Wayne Rodney
Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot Set Wayne Rodney
Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot Set Wayne Rodney
Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot Set Wayne Rodney
Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot Set Wayne Rodney
Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot Set Wayne Rodney
Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot Set Wayne Rodney
Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot Set Wayne Rodney
Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot Set Wayne Rodney
Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot Set Wayne Rodney
Excl. BTW: €28,31
  • Verzending: Binnen 1-2 werkdagen
  • Merk: Wayne Rodney
  • Artikelnummer: 9781646711017
  • EAN: 9781646711017

Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot Set Wayne Rodney

Design & Art Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot Set Wayne Rodney

The Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot Set, created by Wayne Rodney, is a testament to the fusion of diverse cultural influences and mystical traditions. This 78-card deck is unique in its titleless design, compelling readers to tap into their intuition and personal symbolism. Rodney's approach reflects his interest in Rosicrucian mysticism and the concept of synchronicity, inviting a deeply personal tarot reading experience.

Theme Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot Set Wayne Rodney

This deck is rooted in the belief that there are common threads that unite all cultural and spiritual practices. The Minor Arcana is presented before the Major Arcana, guiding the reader through the elemental world of lesser mysteries before advancing to the universal archetypes. This structure encourages a gradual and intuitive exploration of the tarot, emphasizing personal growth and understanding.

Additional Information Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot Set Wayne Rodney

Users of the Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot Set are encouraged to rely on their intuition and personal associations, making each reading a unique and introspective journey. The titleless cards serve as a blank canvas for the reader's intuition, offering a fresh perspective on traditional tarot interpretations. The accompanying 156-page guidebook, richly illustrated in full color, provides additional insights and guidance, enhancing the overall tarot experience.

Author Information Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot Set Wayne Rodney

Wayne Rodney's creation of the Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot Set is an extension of his culturally rich worldview and deep interest in mystical traditions. His belief in the interconnectedness of all things and the power of synchronicity is evident in every aspect of the deck. Rodney's work offers a unique and enriching approach to tarot, making it a valuable tool for those seeking a more personal and intuitive tarot experience.

  • 78-card deck with titleless design for intuitive readings
  • Minor Arcana presented before Major Arcana for an exploratory journey
  • Influenced by diverse cultural traditions and Rosicrucian mysticism
  • Includes a 156-page full-color illustrated guidebook

More Product Details Global Fusion Intuitive Tarot Set Wayne Rodney

  • SKU 2161-GF78
  • Author(s) Wayne Rodney
  • ISBN 9781646711017
  • Language ENGELS
  • Publisher -
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