Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Op zoek naar de prachtige Lo Scarabeo Tarot? Bij ons koop je Lo Scarabeo Tarot kaarten en decks. De Lo Scarabeo Tarot is gemakkelijk te herkennen aan hun unieke gevoel voor illustratie en de uitmuntendheid van elk detail op een tarotkaart.
Het motto van Lo Scarabeo is "Creating tarot decks that delight the eyes...or challenge the mind".
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
African American Tarot Lo ScarabeoThe culture of two continents blends together in this tarot deck, creating a fresh perspective on what it means to be African-American.The culture of two continents blends together in this one-of-a-kind tarot deck-creating a fresh perspective on what it means to be ..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Afro-Brazilian Tarot Lo ScarabeoA unique blend of tarot and Santeria, this colorful deck is an ideal tool for meditation, healing, and ritual.Orishas, the divinities and myths from an ancient magic, are deftly infused with tarot archtypes, opening a channel towards these natural forces. A unique ble..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
After Tarot Lo ScarabeoWhat if we told you they’re instead just moments, snapshots of scenes in the making?After Tarot. Tarot images appear to us fixed, stable and unchanging in the collective imagination and in our knowledge. What if we told you they are instead just moments, snapshots of scenes in..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Alchemy 1977 England Tarot Deck Lo ScarabeoAlchemy 1977 is famous around the globe for their stunning gothic artwork and steampunk accessories.De afbeeldingen op de kaarten van dit tarotspel zijn ge ïnspireerd op de zogeheten ‘gothic art’, een bijzondere kunstvorm waarin zwarte rozen, scherpe zwaard..
Excl. BTW:€22,27
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Ancient Italian Tarot Lo ScarabeoThis deck marks the coming of age of Tarot in Italy.Italy has stood out over the centuries for beautiful Tarot decks directly derived from the first models of the fifteenth-century. Artistic talent and Italian imagination are concentrated in this deck, whose sophisti..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Anne Stokes Gothic Tarot Deck Lo ScarabeoThis exquisitely crafted deck offers a compelling gothic twist on the traditional Rider-Waite-Smith suits.Renowned worldwide for her breathtakingly beautiful fantasy artwork, Anne Stokes delights fans yet again with this gorgeous tarot deck. This exquisitely ..
Excl. BTW:€22,27
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Apokalypsis Tarot Lo ScarabeoOpen Pandora’s Box and immerse yourself in innovative Tarot images inspired by ancient cultures and mystery religions.Apokalypsis Tarot. Companion deck to the bestselling and award winning Tarot Illuminati by Eric C.Dunne. Open the Pandora vase and immerse yourself in in..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Apokalypsis Tarot Set Lo ScarabeoFrom the cult of Inanna in Sumeria and the Eleusinian mysteries in Greece, to the rites of Indian aghoris in the cremation grounds as they worship Shiva, each Arcana card presents a mystery religion of the ancient or modern world.Apokalypsis Tarot. Companion deck to ..
Excl. BTW:€36,24
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Arcanum Tarot Lo ScarabeoFrom the creator of the Thelema Tarot this deck features realistic figures set among lush and magical landscapes.Mystical insights await within the stunning imagery of the Arcanum Tarot. From the creator of the Thelema Tarot this deck features realistic figures set among lus..
Excl. BTW:€26,86
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Barbieri Tarot Lo ScarabeoThis tarot deck blends the best of Barbieri’s fantastical style with the divinatory depth of the tarot.The Barbieri Tarot is a vibrant, powerfully illustrated 78 card deck from Italian artist and master of the fantasy genre, Paolo Barbieri. Selections of his dark, fiery and..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Before Tarot Lo ScarabeoThe traditional images of Tarot are now portrayed a few moments before they happened.Before Tarot.ISBN: 9788865275290Auteur(s): Corrine Kenner | Floreana NativoAfmetingen: 124x68x35 mmGewicht: 224 gramTaal: Engels,Duits,Frans,Spaans,ItaliaansUitgeverij: Lo ScarabeoInhoud: 78 ..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Before Tarot Set Lo ScarabeoCorrine Kenner, artwork by Eon & Simona Rossi 78 cards 66x120 mm. 160 pages, full color book. English edition.Following the great success of the New Vision Tarot and of the After Tarot, here comes the third volume of the Trilogy: the Before Tarot. The traditional images o..
Excl. BTW:€36,24
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Bix Tarot Lo Scarabeo Pierluigi Balducci’s Bix the Rabbit has been charming people for many years. Now we are lucky enough to have Bix’s delightful and refreshing insights through Tarot.Pieluigi Balducci’s Bix the Rabbit has been charming people for many years. Now we are lucky enough to have Bix’s ..
Excl. BTW:€26,86
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Black Cats Tarot Lo ScarabeoThis Rider-Waite-based tarot celebrates and honors the beautiful and magical black cats.Een krachtige en gestileerde weergave van de bijzondere kattenwereld waarin de symboliek van de tarot op subtiele wijze is verwerkt.ISBN: 9788865271926Auteur(s): Maria KuaraAfmetingen:..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Bosch Tarot Lo ScarabeoHieronymus Bosch’s unusual vision of the 16th century provides the filter through which Atanassov worked to create the Bosch Tarot.1The opening of a window into the unconscious fears of the human being through the dreamlike and disturbing symbolism of the great Flemish Painter..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Cat Tarot Lo ScarabeoWould you face the rage of Genghis Cat or be seduced by Catlin Monroe? Will you fall in love with Cyrano de Bergecat or discover new worlds with Christoper Catlumbus?A world like ours, with its heroic, historical, tragic, immortal figures but... transfigured in their cat counter..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Cat's Eyes Journal Lo ScarabeoKeep a record of your tarot journeys and spiritual explorations in these luxurious journals, featuring high quality, blank paper and a ribbon bookmark. 192 pagina's.ISBN: -Auteur(s): -Afmetingen: 99x146 mmGewicht: -Taal: -Uitgeverij: Lo ScarabeoInhoud: -..
Excl. BTW:€10,33
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Celtic Tarot Lo ScarabeoThis is not just a deck of cards; it is a storehouse of ancient myth, magic, and mystery.The ancient Celts interpreted the world in which they lived through legends and myths just as man uses the tarots today to inquire about his existence.
22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
China Tarot Lo ScarabeoThe magic the spell and the poetry of China. these beautiful and delicate images tell of ancient China and speak of love melancholy of illusions and joy the shades of meaning that signal human emotions.The magic the spell and the poetry of China. these beautiful and delicate i..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Cleopatra Tarot Lo ScarabeoThis unique tarot is dedicated to the last Egyptian queen, Cleopatra. The images within this stunning deck represent the Egyptian divinities and the astral spirits of the Zodiac of Denderah-figures who, according to the Egyptians, had the power to alter human destiny.This ..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Crystal Tarot Ls Lo ScarabeoAs rich and complex as life itself, the Crystal Tarot blends the look of stained glass with art nouveau style to gracious effect.The Crystal Tarots has multi-coloured cards with an art nouveau and stained glass look. The This is the 78 card edition, which was first publis..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Da Vinci Tarot Set Lo ScarabeoBased on the genius of the quintessential Renaissance man, Leonardo Da Vinci.In de Da Vinci Tarot wordt het buitengewone talent van Leonardo da Vinci verbonden aan de krachtige visualisatie van de traditionele tarot. Het resultaat is een schitterend en kunstzinnig tarot..
Excl. BTW:€18,26
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Dame Fortune'S Wheel Tarot Lo ScarabeoResearcher, author, and artist Paul Huson's deck is an important step forward in the evolution of Tarot.Researcher, author, and artist Paul Huson's deck is an important step forward in the evolution of Tarot. For centuries, the elegance of the Marseille Tarots a..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Guido Zibordi Marchesi
Dante Tarot Guido Zibordi Marchesi.A prestigious edition, released for the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death. The great poet of immortal fame passed away in the night of September 13th 1321, years after completing the Divina Commedia, the archetypical Heroes Journey through Hell, Purgatory and Heav..
Excl. BTW:€29,82
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Dark Angel Tarot Lo ScarabeoDare to explore your dark side with this gorgeously gothic tarot.Dare to explore your dark side with this gorgeously gothic tarot. Journey to a dimly lit, secret netherworld, where you’ll have a rare opportunity to communicate with heaven’s misunderstood outcasts” the dar..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Dark Fairytale Tarot Lo ScarabeoGorgeously rendered and charged with raw emotion, this enchanting tarot explores the depths of love, pain, hope, fear, and desire.Dit prachtige tarotspel biedt ons een kijkje in de geheimzinnige wereld van de zogeheten ‘twilight world’, een fascinerend en magisch spro..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Dark Grimoire Tarot Lo ScarabeoA deck of Tarot for a deep and profound dimension.The unknown is everywhere. Horror is within us. Confronting our dark side can help us to discover the origins of the fears and the doubts we pose. Digging deep into the dark zones of the mind and spirit we can exit from..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Dark Mirror Oracle Lo ScarabeoRiccardo Minetti, artwork by Laura Sava 32 cards. Multilingual edition.A tribute to artist Laura Sava, well known to fantasy lovers of all the world for her illustrations for Final Fantasy and Legend of the Cryptics. The Dark Mirror Oracle leaves behind the traditional ..
Excl. BTW:€18,14
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Dark Side Of Tarot Corrado Roi Lo ScarabeoThe art of Corrado Roi wants to welcome everyone to the Dark Side of Tarot. Faithful to the Tarot by A. E. Waite and P. C. Smith, this deck opens to the Shadow Work and to the – sometimes spooky, always revealing – readings that reach deep into the subconsci..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Dark Side Of Tarot Kit Sasha Graham Lo ScarabeoWelcome… to the Dark Side You’ve just come into the possession of a book of magic. Every time you flip a card the Tarot unfolds into the story of who you are. Corrado Roi has crafted a shadow-touched version of the world’s most famous Tarot. Roi’s visio..
Excl. BTW:€32,65
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Edmund Dulac Tarot Lo ScarabeoArtwork by Edmund Dulac 78 cards, 65x118 mm. Instructions. Multilingual editionThe art of Edmund Dulac, a naturalized British French master illustrator, is channelled into an enchanting and mysterious Tarot deck. Dulac became famous during the golden age of illustration..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Egyptian Tarot Lo ScarabeoAmazingly detailed and gracefully beautiful, Alasia’s tempera-on-papyrus paintings meld the stunning style of ancient Egyptian art with the mysteries of the Tarot.Painted in tempera on papyrus, these cards were partially inspired by the Tarot created by the famous occultist..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Egyptian Tarot Set Lo ScarabeoThis kit combines Alasia’s incredible deck with the in-depth studies of Berti and Gonard.Painted in tempera on papyrus by Silvana Alasia, and reconstructing the ancient hieroglyphs, these Arcana guide the reader on the path for penetrating into the mysteries of 4,000 ye..
Excl. BTW:€32,65
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Epic Tarot Lo ScarabeoPaolo Martinello gives life to a new Fantasy universe of epic proportion.After the Universal Fantasy Tarot, Paolo Martinello gives life to a new Fantasy universe of epic proportion.ISBN: 9788865274163Auteur(s): Paolo Martinello, Riccardo MinettiAfmetingen: 125x67x30 mmGewicht: ..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Erotic Fantasy Tarot Lo ScarabeoBreathtaking illustrations of a world without inhibitions, where magic and dreams have the power to transform your spirit.In perfect harmony with traditional tarot symbols, these fantasy cards open a unique window to the energy of the erotic, to the beauty of alluring..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Essential Tarot Lo ScarabeoCreated by Chilean artist Pablo Montt, this incredible deck represents the powerful symbols of tarot in their most pure, essential form.Created by Chilean artist Pablo Montt, this incredible deck represents the powerful symbols of tarot in their most pure, essential form. ..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Fairy Lights Tarot Lo ScarabeoThe poetic art of Lucia Mattioli sings in this unique and imaginative tarot.De lichtkracht van de elfen weerspiegelt op indringende wijze in dit inspirerende tarotspelISBN: 9780738738796Auteur(s): Lucia MattioliAfmetingen: 120x68x30 mmGewicht: 230 gramTaal: Engels,Duits..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Fairy Tarot Lo ScarabeoA perfect blend of whimsy and depth, The Fairy Tarot will charm you with their enchanting images and clever symbolism.Distant relatives of the gnomes, the fairies are very joyful beings who play naughty jokes at times. The fairies, however, also like to help humans in very pra..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Fantasy Cats Oracle Lo ScarabeoArtwork by Jason Engle 36 cards. Multilingual edition.Famous illustrator Jason Engle opens the door to a unique dark fantasy world. Mausolea are tombs or buildings to house the dead. Through the wonderful and chilling images of this oracle, we can access wisdom shared ..
Excl. BTW:€18,14
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Favole Tarot Victoria Frances Lo ScarabeoThe Favole Tarot features gothic art by Spanish illustrator, Victoria Frances.The cards are dark and romantic and they follow the European tradition in the minors. This unique deck will help you explore the dark crevaces of the psyche and find beauty where it..
Excl. BTW:€22,27
Merk: Ferenc Pintér
Ferenc Pinter Tarot Ferenc Pintér.Not many may know the name of Ferenc Pintér. However, this is about to change once people will have seen this Tarot deck. It is a deck beyond the edges of reality, crossing the boundary of what is subjective and what is just imaginary. It is a journey into perfect a..
Excl. BTW:€26,86
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
French Cartomancy Lo ScarabeoThe definitive guide to the French cartomancy tradition. The images of Madame Lenormand take us into a universe of symbols and representations capable of evoking the everyday and binding it to the magic that surrounds us. The cards allow you to reveal the Future. 36 card..
Excl. BTW:€12,36
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Frida Kahlo Tarot Deck Lo ScarabeoCreated as a tribute to Frida Kahlo, this outstanding deck features unique portraits of this beloved painter in addition to beautiful imagery.Created as a tribute to Frida Kahlo, this outstanding deck features unique portraits of this beloved painter in addition to ..
Excl. BTW:€22,27
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Gay Tarot Lo ScarabeoA means of understanding and introspection for those who are not afraid of diversity.The universal symbol of relationships, of the couple formed by a man and a woman, the eternal yin and yang, is substituted here by archetypes and situations from the experience and identity of g..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Ghost Tarot Lo ScarabeoThe Tarot of the Ghosts takes you to a romantic and eternal world, where unique wisdom abides.Between the visible and the invisible, between memory and the supernatural, there is a liminal space, the world of ghosts. This is where restless spirits exist during those fleeting m..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Golden Art Nouveau Tarot Lo ScarabeoThe gold-foil details of this outstanding deck perfectly complement the elegant designs and gracefully curved lines of the classic art nouveau style.The gold-foil details of this outstanding deck perfectly complement the elegant designs and gracefully curved lines..
Excl. BTW:€26,03
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Golden Botticelli Tarot Lo ScarabeoThe beautiful art of Andrea Botticelli translated into tarot.The great work of this Florentine master enlivens this deck with Renaissance flair and grace. Let Botticelli’s timeless art-reproduced here with gold highlights-take you to new dimensions of nature, beaut..
Excl. BTW:€26,03
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Golden Tarot Of Klimt Lo ScarabeoIn twentieth century Vienna, the art of Gustav Klimt held a primary position.The Golden Tarot of Klimt explores love, death, sensuality, and regeneration. Celebrating the art of one of the twentieth century’s greatest masters, this deck provides insight and knowledge..
Excl. BTW:€26,03
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Golden Tarot Of Marseille Lo ScarabeoThis deck is the richest and most precious Marseille deck ever. With revised instructions and graphics.The line art has been restored from the original xylography made by Claude Burdel in 1751. The colours have been restored to the original brilliance and the car..
Excl. BTW:€26,03
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Golden Tarot Of The Renaissance Lo ScarabeoOnce known as the Charles VI or Gringonneur Tarot, this historic masterpiece has been restored, completed, and renamed to reflect its true history. This late 15th century deck was made in Ferrara for the Estes family. The Minor Arcana, added by Dworkin, wer..
Excl. BTW:€26,03
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Golden Tarot Of The Tsar Lo ScarabeoThe Golden Tarot of Tsar is printed with shining gold foil, evocative of the richness of the art of the Tsars.The Golden Tarot of Tsar is printed with shining gold foil, evocative of the richness of the art of the Tsars. Atanassov meticulously captures the intrica..
Excl. BTW:€26,03
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Golden Universal Tarot Lo ScarabeoItalian painter Roberto de Angelis lends a modern, more realistic approach to the classic Rider-Waite imagery.Golden Universal Tarot. Italian painter Roberto de Angelis lends a modern, more realistic approach to the classic Rider-Waite imagery. His dynamic interpret..
Excl. BTW:€26,03
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Golden Visconti Tarot Lo ScarabeoThe oldest Tarot deck, jewel of the Italian Renaissance, with a renewed packaging and extended booklet. This deck contains 22 cards and instructions.The oldest Tarot deck, jewel of the Italian Renaissance, with a renewed packaging and extended booklet. Has gold foil ..
Excl. BTW:€26,03
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Green Oracle Lo ScarabeoThis Oracle arise to recover that spiritual connection to harmony and life all humans deeply need to live blessedly.The living world we live in, is a delicate balance of energies, between what is natural and what is man-made. An equilibrium that starts in our daily life, with..
Excl. BTW:€18,14
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Gregory Scott Tarot Lo ScarabeoWith these cards, you will discover a modern sensibility with bright colors that evoke spiritual insights along with a pleasing sense of wonder.Designed by well-known reader and tarot YouTube star Gregory Scott, this deck draws forth a unique sense of positive clarity ..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Gustave Doré Tarot Gustave Doré Lo ScarabeoGustave Doré illustrates in black and white what is a spiritual landscape. Tarot became a tapestry that connects the Heaven to the Earth, as every illustration becomes a symbol able to resonate with our own questions and life. The deck features 78 original ..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Gypsy Oracle Cards Lo ScarabeoA reproduction of a deck from the 1800's that retains all of the characteristics of the ancient Sibylle.Thus acquiring a nostalgic connotation but strongly evocative of places, situations and feelings that we hold near and dear. Legend tells that a gypsy gave each card ..
Excl. BTW:€14,01
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Happy Tarot Borderless Lo ScarabeoHappiness can change the world. And it’s just the perfect moment to be happy.Happy Tarot. The Happy Tarot is a whimsical, fun and light-hearted deck that invites the reader to see the positive side of life. The 78 cards by Serena Ficca are set in a cutesy world with..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Harmonious Tarot Lo ScarabeoWith artistic beauty and an experiential story line, this deck will be right at home at the finest high tea in a typical English cottage’s garden...or at your next reading!Using the evocative, whimsical, and richly detailed art of Walter Crane and Earnest Fitzpatrick, the..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Harmonious Tarot Mini Lo ScarabeoThis fun mini-edition of the bestselling Harmonious Tarot is perfect for on-the-go readings.This fun mini-edition of the bestselling Harmonious Tarot is perfect for on-the-go readings. Small enough to fit in a pocket or a purse, you can carry your deck everywhere. It..
Excl. BTW:€16,49
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Healing Light Tarot Lo Scarabeo Even the brightest light comes with its own shadow. This deck creates a time for visions, realizations, and, above all, healing.Dit tarotspel reflecteert het Keltische concept van licht en duisternis. ISBN: 9780738754352Auteur(s): Christopher ButlerAfmetingen: 125x80x..
Excl. BTW:€26,86
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Heaven and Earth Tarot Lo ScarabeoIn this tarot, the spiritual and the material are woven together in a tapestry of symbolic wisdom.Artist Jack Sephiroth takes the classic structure of the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot to new heights of expressive beauty. The illustrations of this deck evoke a sense of my..
Excl. BTW:€29,82
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
In Between Tarot Lo ScarabeoThe bestselling Before Tarot and After Tarot explore what happens just before and after each arcana, to deepen our understanding of individual cards.The bestselling Before Tarot and After Tarot explore what happens just before and after each arcana, to deepen our understa..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
In Between Tarot Set Lo ScarabeoThis deck explores what it would look like to see in between two consecutive cards in the deck.Following the outstanding success of After Tarot (9780738752754) and Before Tarot (9780738759760), this deck explores what it would look like to see in between two consecuti..
Excl. BTW:€32,65
Merk: Jody Boginski Barbessi
Influence of the Angels Tarot Jody Boginski BarbessiAngels’ spiritual influence over human experience is beautifully portrayed in this gilt-edge deck through classic inspired artwork. The 184-page illustrated guidebook features in-depth descriptions, symbolism and angelic messages. In addition to th..
Excl. BTW:€30,95
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Initiatory Tarot Of The Golden Dawn Lo ScarabeoA pack of Tarot Cards illustrating major facets from the teachings of Golden Dawn.A pack of Tarot Cards illustrating major facets from the teachings of Golden Dawn. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was the most influential occult group to emerge fr..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Jack-O’-Lantern Tarot Giuliano Costa Lo ScarabeoWhat is the timeless feeling of November 1st? While the world turns, and turns to winter, the distance between the obvious and the sacred thins and fades. By the art of Giuliano Costa, a laughing and grinning macabre new deck of eternal wisdom and peri..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
John Bauer Tarot Lo ScarabeoThese wholly unique cards are defined by their unique combination of warmth and whimsy, bringing the tarot reader into contact with a unique experience of spirit.John Bauer (1882-1918) was one of the most appreciated Swedish artists of the early twentieth century. His art..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Kamasutra Tarot Deck Lo ScarabeoDivination using tools such as oracle Cards, help to bring higher guidance and advice into our lives.Kamasutra Tarot Deck. Divination using tools such as oracle Cards, help to bring higher guidance and advice into our lives and brings to the surface information that i..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Knights Templar Tarot Floreana Nativo Lo ScarabeoThat of the Templar was a mystical quest, leading from the material to the spiritual plane. Each Knight Templar was both a warrior and a monk. The first fighting to protect the faithful, the second studying and praying to reach deeper into the mysteri..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Fabio Listrani
La Santa Muerte Tarot Fabio ListraniDesign & Art La Santa Muerte Tarot Fabio Listrani
The Santa Muerte Tarot, with artwork by Fabio Listrani, is a visually captivating deck that embraces the themes of life, death, and rebirth. Listrani's art is a blend of vibrant colors and symbolic imagery, deeply..
Excl. BTW:€32,23
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Law Of Attraction Lo ScarabeoAccording to the law of attraction, anything we want can be manifested-you just need to believe it.The Law of Attraction Tarot is inspired by the best-selling book, The Secret, and its promise to help manifest anything you want in life. The 78-card deck is quite differen..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Legends Tarot Anne Stokes Lo ScarabeoBorn from the union of love and sensuality, the Anne Stokes Legends Tarot opens new doorways to embracing the light while dancing with the dark. The stunning images suggest ancient and powerful wisdom, revealing destiny and releasing fear from the hearts of all w..
Excl. BTW:€22,27
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Lenormand Tarot Deck Lo ScarabeoDivination using tools such as oracle Cards, help to bring higher guidance and advice into our lives.Lenormand Tarot Deck. The most common tradition of Tarot today only goes back 100 years. The Tarot, however, is much older. Now you can use the type of cards that infl..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Leonardo Da Vinci Tarot Lo ScarabeoThe creation of this deck was inspired by the great Renaissance master Leonardo da Vinci.The Bulgarian illustrators Iassen Ghiuselev (the major arcana) and Atanas Atanassov (the minor arcana) were inspired by the great Renaissance master Leonardo da Vinci in creati..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Roberto Negrini
Liber T Tarot Of Stars Eternal Roberto Negrini.This Tarot, masterfully painted by the painter Andrea Serio, is the result of in-depth research conducted by Roberto Negrini, a scholar of the “Book of Thoth” and its evolution. Each card is inspired by the hermetic tradition of the Egyptian Decans, the..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Lo Scarabeo Tarot Lo ScarabeoDivination using tools such as oracle Cards, help to bring higher guidance and advice into our lives.Lo Scarabeo Tarot unites for the first time three traditions: the Marseille, the Waite-Smith, and the Crowley-Harris. In this unique dynamic combination the themes and sy..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Manara: Erotic Tarot Lo ScarabeoManara transports us into a dreamlike yet carnal dimension that sings praises to life itself.The acknowledged master of erotic drawing, Manara transports us into a dreamlike yet carnal dimension that sings praises to life itself. In the reconstruction of dreams, stori..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Marseille Cat Tarot Lo ScarabeoSome decks whisper. Some decks shout. This deck meows.The Tarot of Marseille has been rediscovered by modern tarot readers. In this cheerful tribute to the Marseille Tarot, the images have been redesigned and reconstructed with amusing cats, while retaining all the det..
Excl. BTW:€19,63
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Marseille Vintage Tarot Anna Maria Morsucci Lo ScarabeoThis antiqued reproduction of the historical Marseille Tarot is perfect for readers and collectors who appreciate a vintage aesthetic and the wisdom it provides. This deck’s seventy-eight cards showcase iconic imagery that has survived the tests..
Excl. BTW:€26,03
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Medieval Tarot Deck Lo ScarabeoEvocative, traditional artwork and powerful symbols will open new dimensions of significance in the twenty-first century.Medieval Tarot Deck. This deck is based on the medieval Art of Memory, an esoteric doctrine that taught the rules of the true nobility.ISBN: 9781572..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Millennium Thoth Tarot Lo ScarabeoThe Millenium Thoth Tarot is the perfect tarot to embolden your life and spirit.The Millenium Thoth Tarot is the perfect tarot to embolden your life and spirit. Showcasing the creative mind and stunning artwork of Renata Lechner, creator of the Arcanum Tarot (978073..
Excl. BTW:€29,82
Merk: Atanas A Atanossov
Mini Golden Klimt Tarot Atanas A AtanossovDesign & Art Mini Golden Klimt Tarot Atanas A Atanossov
The Mini Golden Klimt Tarot, crafted by the talented A. A. Atanassov, is a miniature masterpiece of 78 cards, each measuring 44x80 mm. This deck pays homage to the ornate and symbolic art of Gustav Kli..
Excl. BTW:€26,82Mini Golden Klimt Tarot Atanas Alexander AtanassovIn the Vienna of the early twentieth century, full of new intellectual, aesthetic and psychological impulses that would have formed the mentality of modern man, the art of Gustav Klimt occupies a prominent place. Inspired by the refined and erotic ar..
Excl. BTW:€26,82
Merk: Magdelina Messina
Mini Pagan Cats Tarot Magdelina Messina.This mini-edition is perfect for on-the-go readings. Small enough to fit in a pocket or a purse, you can carry your deck everywhere. Mini tarot decks also make great gifts and stocking stuffers for tarotists. Whether you are an expert reader or just starting y..
Excl. BTW:€24,50
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Mini Tarot Night Sun Lo ScarabeoA fabulous mini tarot! Enter into artist Fabio Listrani’s rendering of the dance between the dark and the light, and begin a compelling journey into the realm of esoteric wisdom.A fabulous mini tarot! Enter into artist Fabio Listrani’s rendering of the dance between t..
Excl. BTW:€16,49
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Murder Of Crows Tarot Lo ScarabeoThe Crow comes last. Omen bringer, messenger, guardian and scavenger: the crow has no master.Black cards, with just a hint of red blood color, this gothic deck brings fear and disquiet into Tarot as never seen before. A Tarot deck to read with your own soul. Artwork ..
Excl. BTW:€26,86
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Mystical Tarot Lo ScarabeoSymbols, magic and esotericism of the ancient arts have been absorbed by the artist and scholar in order to be moulded anew in a design of great, alchemical beauty.The Mystical Tarot is a deck of 78 original oil paintings, merging familiar Rider-Waite symbolism with an anti..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Native American Tarot Lo ScarabeoIt is close to the rhythms of the sky, whose messages are heard and interpreted by the Shaman, the intermediary between the sky and the earth.Native American Tarot. The symbolic language of Native Americans is extremely profound yet immediate. It is close to the rhyt..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Nefertari's Tarot Lo ScarabeoWith valuable gold foil printing, this is the most opulent Egyptian Tarot ever created.The enigmatic queen, whose beauty was legendary: this is Nefertari, Light of Egypt. This precious Tarot introduces the mysteries of the Nile Valley as seen through her timeless eyes. W..
Excl. BTW:€37,19
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Nicoletta Ceccoli Mini Lo ScarabeoCelebrated illustrator Nicoletta Ceccoli draws in a style of provocative enchantment.This updated, fun mini-edition of Nicoletta Ceccoli’s bestselling tarot deck is perfect for on-the-go readings. Small enough to fit in a pocket or a purse, you can carry your deck e..
Excl. BTW:€16,49
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Nicoletta Ceccoli Tarot Lo ScarabeoCelebrated illustrator Nicoletta Ceccoli draws in a style of provocative enchantment.Nicoletta Ceccoli, one of the most celebrated illustrators in the world, has turned her visionary talent, innocent as it is disturbing, to the Tarot. The images move between harmon..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Night Sun Tarot Lo ScarabeoFrom the artistic genius and esoteric research of Fabio Listrani, comes a deck that reflects the teachings of Aleister Crowley and other great masters of the occult.From the artistic genius and esoteric research of Fabio Listrani, comes a deck that reflects the teachings o..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo
Notoria: Tarot In Light Fabio Listrani Lo ScarabeoFollowing the success of Fabio Listrani’s Goetia, here comes Notoria. Where Goetia was about the dark and demons, Notoria is about the light and Angels. Together, light and darkness are the two faces of the human soul. The deck is an esoteric and pow..
Excl. BTW:€26,86
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Pagan Tarot Lo ScarabeoThis long-awaited project combines Wiccan traditions with modern lifestyles.Combining Wiccan traditions with modern lifestyles, this deck is a must for those following the Wiccan path. Based on traditional tarot structure, it portrays the experiences of the modern Witch and Pa..
Excl. BTW:€20,62
Merk: Lo Scarabeo Tarot
Pre-Raphaelite Tarot Lo ScarabeoGiuliano Costa combines the sumptuousness of Pre-Raphaelite art with compelling surrealism and surprising symbolism.The vivid colors and medieval imagery of the Pre-Raphaelite movement makes for a tarot deck that is rich with a sense of mystery and romance. Luigi Cost..
Excl. BTW:€20,62